Sunday, August 8, 2010

"imagination encircles the world"

"i am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. imagination is more important than knowledge. knowledge is limited. imagination encircles the world.” albert einstein

need-to-know artist: pamela toll

powerful imagery creates peace of mind and enables you to get lost in its universe. there's a tranquil, dream-like quality projected in these works by toll. her art calls on curiosity, yet encompasses a sense of familiarity. the whimsical nature causes you to dive below the surface and imagine the story of the imagery. a talented artist creates something from which the viewer can interpret his/her own narrative, rather than having to adhere only to the concept imagined by the artist. whether it's meant to be deep or not, it draws you into its world.

there is peace in forgetting your own world for a minute, and relinquishing your mind to the beauty of the artwork. the captivating richness of toll's painting opens your eyes to both her technical capabilities and the literal imagery and narrative of the piece. her art has character, and its movement is engaging. she uses a combination of artistic styles and mediums, free of confinement, and she shows versatility while remaining true to her personal style.

you know an artist is speaking to you when it's hard to find work that can hold its own next to theirs.

being able to see an artist's process and workspace adds a third dimension to their final product. i have had the privilege of visiting pam's studio, and it made her art come to life that much more. for more information:

Main Entry: whim·si·cal
Pronunciation: \ˈhwim-zi-kəl, ˈwim-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: whimsy
Date: 1653
1 : full of, actuated by, or exhibiting whims
2 a : resulting from or characterized by whim or caprice; especially : lightly fanciful b : subject to erratic behavior or unpredictable change

Main Entry: whim
Pronunciation: \ˈhwim, ˈwim\
Function: noun
Etymology: short for whim-wham
Date: 1686
1 : a capricious or eccentric and often sudden idea or turn of the mind : fancy